Withdrawing funds
When can I withdraw my funds from the Policy Book?
To ensure enough liquidity in a Policy Book to pay all outstanding policies, Underwriters are forced to wait 4 days for their withdrawal request to process.
The Underwriters can only withdraw up to the amount that pushes the utilization ratio of the Policy Book to 100%.
The withdrawal from any Policy Book is only possible when no active Claims against it exist.
No Policies can be sold on funds that are pending withdrawal.
After 4 days, Underwriters have 48h to withdraw their funds. If they fail to do so, they must start the withdraw process again.
An example: - Policy Book X has 20.000 USDT of Collateral. User A decides to underwrite and bear the risk in exchange for profits and deposits 80.000 USDT to Policy Book X. - There is currently 100.000 USDT in Policy Book A. - User B decides to purchase Policy for their 60.000 USDT worth of assets for 3 months. The utilization ratio is now at 60%.
After one month, user A decided they would like to withdraw their initial 80.000 USDT liquidity. At this stage, the user can't do it, as one can only withdraw up to the amount that pushes the utilization ratio to 100% and no more than that. In this case, the amount available is 40.000 USDT.
How does the coverage withdrawal process look in detail?
The DEINxCover tokens have to be unstaked before initiating the withdrawal process
The process can generally be described in 2 steps:
The withdraw request. This begins the 4-day waiting period, in which the requested amount decreases the Policy Book's Capacity to ensure that no Policies are sold on the requested funds. The UR, however, does not change.
The withdraw itself. Once the user has waited four days, they can withdraw their requested amount within 48 hours.
All the withdraw procedures can be handled in the LINK section of the app.
Last updated