šŸ‘“Precise APY calculations

General (Commonly used formulas)

Userā€™s reward allocation for a singular position

RD%=Cxāˆ‘n=1usersCnĀ Cx=Tā‹…MR_{D\%} = \frac{C_x}{\sum_{n=1}^{users}C_n} \\\ \\C_x = T \cdot M

Where:RD%ā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šallocationā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Šrewardsā€…ā€Šforā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Šuserā€…ā€ŠXā€²sā€…ā€ŠpositionCx,Cnāˆ’ā€…ā€Šcontributionā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Šuserā€…ā€ŠX,ā€…ā€ŠNusersā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šamountā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Špositionsā€…ā€Šinā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€ŠPolicyā€…ā€ŠBookTā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šuserā€…ā€ŠXā€²sā€…ā€Šstakedā€…ā€Šfundsā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€ŠpositionMā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šuserā€…ā€ŠXā€²sā€…ā€Šmultiplierā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Šposition\\\textbf{Where:}\\R_{D\%} \; -\; allocation \; of \; rewards \; for \; the \; user \; X's \; position\\C_x, C_n - \; contribution \; of \; the \; user \; X,\; N \\users \; - \; amount \; of \; positions \; in \; the \; Policy \; Book\\T \; - \; user \; X's \; staked \; funds \; of \; the \; position\\M \; - \; user \; X's \; multiplier \; of \; the \; position

Userā€™s yearly rewards for position X

Rx=RPBā‹…BPYā‹…RD%R_x= RPB \cdot BPY \cdot R_{D\%}

Where:Rxāˆ’ā€…ā€Šyearlyā€…ā€Šrewardsā€…ā€Šforā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Šuserā€…ā€ŠXā€²sā€…ā€ŠpositionRPBā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€ŠPolicyā€…ā€ŠBookā€²sā€…ā€Šrewardā€…ā€Šperā€…ā€ŠblockBPYā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šblocksā€…ā€Šinā€…ā€Šaā€…ā€ŠyearRD%ā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šallocationā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Šrewardsā€…ā€Šforā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Šuserā€…ā€ŠXā€²sā€…ā€Šposition\\\textbf{Where:}\\R_x - \; yearly\; rewards \; for \; the \; user \; X's \; position\\RPB \; - \; Policy \;Book's \; reward \; per \; block\\BPY \; - \; blocks \; in \; a \; year\\R_{D\%} \; - \; allocation \; of \; rewards \; for \; the \; user \; X's \; position

Policy Book X reward multiplier calculation

Where: UR - Utilization Ratio RM - Reward Multiplier

These constants have been skipped in the formulas for clarity's sake. Base RM = 1 Min. RM = 0.15 Max. RM = 2 Risky UR = 85% Moderate UR = 50%

UR<50%ā€…ā€ŠāŸ¹ā€…ā€ŠRMx=URāˆ’1%50%āˆ—(1āˆ’0.15)+0.15UR < 50\% \implies RM_x=\frac{UR-1\%}{50\%}*(1-0.15)+0.15
50%<UR<85%ā€…ā€ŠāŸ¹ā€…ā€ŠRMx=150 \%< UR < 85\% \implies RM_x=1
UR>85%ā€…ā€ŠāŸ¹ā€…ā€ŠRMx=1+(2āˆ’1)āˆ—(URāˆ’85%)100%āˆ’85%UR > 85\% \implies RM_x= 1+\frac{(2-1)*(UR-85\%)}{100\%-85\%}

Policy Book X reward allocation calculation

RP%=RMxā‹…CPIPxāˆ‘n=1pools(RMnā‹…Ā CPIPn)R_{P\%} = \frac{RM_x \cdot CPIP_x}{\sum_{n=1}^{pools}(RM_n \cdot \ CPIP_n)}

Where:RP%ā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šallocationā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Šrewardsā€…ā€Šforā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€ŠPolicyā€…ā€ŠBookā€…ā€ŠXRMxā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€ŠRewardā€…ā€ŠMultplierā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€ŠPolicyā€…ā€ŠBookā€…ā€ŠXCPIPxā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šstakedā€…ā€ŠDEINxCoverā€…ā€Šinā€…ā€ŠPolicyā€…ā€ŠBookā€…ā€ŠXpoolsā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šnumberā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€Šwhitelistedā€…ā€Špools\\\textbf{Where:}\\R_{P\%} \; - \; allocation \; of \; rewards \; for \; the \; Policy \; Book\; X\\RM_x \; - \; Reward \; Multplier \; of \; the \; Policy \; Book \; X\\CPIP_x \; - \; staked \; DEINxCover \; in \; Policy \; Book \; X\\pools \; - \; number \; of \; whitelisted \;pools

Underwriting Position APY

APYx=Rxā‹…DEINpriceTxAPY_x = \frac{R_x\cdot DEIN_{price}}{T_x}

Where:Rxā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šyearlyā€…ā€Šrewardsā€…ā€Šforā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Špositionā€…ā€ŠxTxā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Šstakedā€…ā€Šfundsā€…ā€Šinā€…ā€Štheā€…ā€Špositionā€…ā€ŠxDEINpriceā€…ā€Šāˆ’ā€…ā€Špriceā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€ŠDEIN\\\textbf{Where:} \\R_x \; - \; yearly \;rewards \; for \; the \; position \; x\\T_x \; - \; staked \; funds \; in \; the \; position \; x\\DEIN_{price} \; - \; price \; of \; DEIN

Underwriting Max (General) APY

This is the APY used on general Policy Book views. It's an estimation of the biggest possible return, it assumes the minimal investment and longest staking duration.

APYmax=Rxā‹…DEINpriceTx\\APY_{max} = \frac{R_x \cdot DEIN_{price}}{T_x}

Where:Rxā€…ā€Šisā€…ā€Šcalculatedā€…ā€Šforā€…ā€ŠCx=500Tx=100DEINpriceāˆ’ā€…ā€Špriceā€…ā€Šofā€…ā€ŠDEIN \\\textbf{Where:}\\R_x \; is \; calculated \; for \; C_x = 500 \\T_x = 100 \\DEIN_{price} - \; price \; of \; DEIN

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