Non-EVM Policies

DEIN's innovative insurance platform extends beyond the Ethereum blockchain, offering comprehensive Policy solutions for assets on Non-EVM chains.

What is Non-EVM coverage?

Non-EVM coverage refers to Policies for digital assets on blockchains that do not support Ethereum's Virtual Machine (EVM). These chains have unique address formats and thus require a distinct verification method to ensure policyholders' ownership.

How does DEIN manage policies for Non-EVM chains?

For Non-EVM chains, DEIN generates a random 6-digit number when a user purchases a policy. This number is used to confirm the ownership of the wallet on the Non-EVM chain through a special transaction.

What steps must I take to prove ownership of my Non-EVM wallet?

To pair your DEIN Policy with a Non-EVM wallet, you need to send a nominal amount of any token from that wallet. Specifically, send 0.X tokens, where X is the 6-digit number provided by DEIN. This transaction acts as proof of ownership.

Please make sure the token you're sending has at least 6 decimals How to read the token's decimals

What is the purpose of the specific transaction amount during the wallet pairing process?

The transaction amount serves as a verifiable action that the user controls the wallet. Since the 6-digit number is unique to each policy purchase, successfully completing this transaction and providing its hash to DEIN proves ownership without exposing the user's private keys or compromising security.

What do I do after completing the transaction?

Once your transaction on the Non-EVM chain is confirmed, you must provide the transaction hash to DEIN. This step finalizes the pairing process between your DEIN policy and your Non-EVM wallet.

When can I submit my transaction hash to DEIN?

You can only submit the transaction hash during the claiming process. However, you are free to conduct the wallet pairing transaction at any point before a claim is necessary.

Is the wallet pairing transaction time-sensitive?

No, the pairing transaction can be done at any time while the policy is claimable. There is no deadline for this transaction as long as it precedes any claim you wish to make.

Can the transaction hash for wallet pairing be changed?

Yes, DEIN allows users to change their pairing transaction hash at any time during the claiming period. This flexibility ensures users can maintain control over their claim and respond to any changes or errors in the initial pairing process.

How does the wallet pairing for Non-EVM coverage affect different personas within the DEIN ecosystem?

The wallet pairing process is integral to maintaining the integrity and trust of the DEIN insurance platform, and it impacts various roles differently:

  1. Policyholders and Claimants: These users are most affected by the wallet pairing process. Policyholders need to ensure that they complete the pairing correctly to validate their ownership, which is crucial for a smooth Claim process. For Claimants, providing the transaction hash is a critical step to prove ownership, thus making their Claim valid.

  2. Underwriters: Underwriters are generally not directly affected by the Non-EVM wallet pairing process. Their main concern remains the overall health of the Policy Books they support, rather than the individual claims and the associated verification steps.

  3. Voters: Voters have a significant responsibility when it comes to Non-EVM claims. They must meticulously review the provided evidence to confirm that the wallet pairing was completed correctly. Each Claim includes the unique wallet pairing number and the corresponding pairing transaction hash, which the voters are required to validate. Accurate validation of wallet ownership is essential for the voters to make informed decisions on claim approvals or denials, thereby upholding the platform's credibility.

Last updated