šŸ‘“Voting calculations

How is the reputation calculated?

VoterxVoter_x - Voter for which the current calculation is doneā€‹ RepxRep_x - Voter_x reputation before the calculation Repxn{Rep_x}_n - Voter_x reputation after the calculation VminV_{min} - % of voters voting in the minority VmajV_{maj} - % of voters voting in the majority

If the user has voted in the majority:

Repxn=Repxāˆ’Vmaj20{Rep}_{x_n}=Rep_x-{\frac {V_{maj}} {20}}

If the user has voted in the minority:

Repxn=Repxāˆ’(1āˆ’(Vmināˆ—2))22{Rep}_{x_n}=Rep_x-{\frac {({1}-(V_{min}*2))^2} {2}}

How are the rewards calculated?

Voterx{Voter}_x - Voter for which the current calculation is doneā€‹ SharexShare_x - % of the Voter_x participation in the rewards distribution VPVP - Voting Power

Sharex=VPxāˆ‘1nVP1+VPnShare_x = \frac {{VP}_x} {\sum_{1}^n{VP}_1+{VP_n}}

How is the Voting Power calculated?

VPVP - User's Voting Power SS - DEIN tokens Staked in the DEIN Native Staking NFT M2M_2 - Dein Native Staking NFT's Voting Multiplier RR - Reputation

VP=(āˆ‘1nSnāˆ—M2n)āˆ—RVP = \sqrt{(\sum^n_1{S_n*{M_2}_n})*R}

Sāˆ—M2S*M_2 is also known as the individual DEIN Native Staking NFT's Voting Power

Last updated